The Market Platform entitles all users to request a product Return / Replacement after it has been delivered only if there is an issue with the product. If you no longer need the item, bought it by mistake or have changed your mind, you may only return the product at the time of delivery. We will not be able to accept return requests for such cases after delivery.


You may request for a refund/replacement within 72 hours of delivery. If your product has been accepted for return/replacement, please keep the product in the original packaging. In addition, the product must be unused and unwashed, with all tags intact. The user will also be required to produce the original invoice given at the time of delivery from our delivery partner team member.


The customer cannot return a partial order/ open package at the doorstep. A few products may not be eligible for return and will be marked “Non-returnable” on the product description page.


Refunds, if any, shall be credited to your market platform wallet amounting to the value of returned product. For cash on delivery transactions, the User has the option to get the invoice modified by the delivery partner and then remit the actual amount.


For payments made through electronic means such as debit card, credit card, net banking, wallet, etc., the refund shall be made into the wallet.


All refunds shall be made in Indian Rupees only.


It is also requested that a user should check if the product seal is intact (i.e. not broken) while accepting the order to avoid any kind of damage related complaints post-delivery


The refund will be initiated to the customer once their reverse pickup order has been marked as delivered post returning it to the delivery executive.


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